Well, we have some very unhappy campers around the Just Home. About a month ago, their day camp announced that they will not open this summer due to the pandemic. While we completely agreed with that announcement and would probably have not sent them anyway, it still hit us like a ton of bricks.
Our oldest counts down the days until summer. I mean that literally, beginning with the first day after camp ends each summer. It's like a countdown to liftoff only it begins at some depressing number near 300. And he repeatedly asks month after month how many days left until camp begins again.
The youngest isn't as focused on camp but thrives on those connections, camaraderie and structure each summer even if he isn't willing to admit it openly.
And here we are, two working parents who rely on summer camp to fill their days with activities, left with nothing but our own creativity. Whipped out the planner, my markers, kids science books and a few Pinterest searches and came up with our themed weeks. Most days will only have one activity on it, and the reality is that these boys will have a very merry screentime summer! But, we are happy to share with any parents what activities we do have planned because we all need to stick together! So, come play along!